Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And the Word was God!

I am glad today is over.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy performing and competition. But state districts are stressful. There is such a high level of musicianship expected and a high level of competition that I am glad that it is just one day.
We sang first thing this morning (a DEFINITE blessing). During warm-ups, I finally realized what I wanted from the students on our song, "The Word Was God," (by Rosephanye Powell) based on the passage from John 1. It was a wonderful moment where it just felt SO right explaining to the students that the final notes need to be a declaration, a shouting out to the world,
"JESUS IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(The actual words are: "and the Word was God!")
It was an incredible moment as I taught and realized what we were really doing....we were declaring on a very public stage that Jesus is real and He is God!
What an amazing opportunity that we had today to declare that our God is real and praise him on a stage share by public and private school students.
Today was a great day. We shouted out for the world that Jesus is our Lord and heard some incredibly gifted choirs (I'm talking goosebumps and jaw dropping groups).
Oh, how did we do? We got an 88.5....translation, we were 1 and a half points from the highest level possible (a superior)! In fact, one judge gave us a superior, which was a first time ever for the high school choir)! Last year, we received an 85 with no superiors. And we received another superior in sight reading.
So, yes, today was a successful day.
Lesson? Look for those moments that focus on eternity, even in the stressful moments of the here and now. And believe me, I needed to learn this one today!

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