Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Count Down Begins

In a few days I will be here with 43 high schoolers.
You know you are jealous!
I was in choir growing up, but it wasn't until my senior year of college that I had even an idea that choral directors planned trips for their choirs.
Little did I know.
I think you could add "travel planner" to my job description and I really don't mind. I get to travel to these great places and share incredible memories with my students.
My first year was pretty simple....just a trip down to Charlotte for the day for a Carowinds Festival.
My second year got more complicated, but thank goodness I only had 16 students to plan for. We headed down the road to Atlanta, GA for a fast paced three day weekend.
And my third year, I pulled out all the stops and took 36 high schoolers to Walt Disney World Florida for four days (plus one night travelling on the bus).
So this year? We're headed to Baltimore, MD for three days, with 43 high schoolers. It should be pretty awesome. I will keep you posted!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Life Saver

Now, Jesus is my Savior.

But there is one woman who has been a life saver for me for the past two years and has revolutionized the way I teach choir.

Meet Lynn

(she's on the far left on the piano...wish I had a better picture of her!)

My first year of teaching, I didn't have anyone coming in and playing for me during rehearsals. It was a lot of up and down, but mainly me behind the piano, which eliminated a lot of good teaching.

My second year, I had someone who was also wonderful, but she couldn't travel with us and didn't perform with us.

Last year, I approached Lynn and asked her and she said that she would give it a try. Well, this is the second year and she is FABULOUS!!!!! And the kids love her.

And it has helped me become a better teacher and work harder with my choir.

Lesson? Never underestimate the blessings someone can be to you and be sure to say thank you!

Thanks Lynn! You're awesome!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


This weekend was pretty hectic.
It started off with me headed to Asheville...which wasn't so bad. And Saturday was great, filled with meetings for a future business venture with great friends and then down time with family. We even managed a walk in the moonlight, which was lots of fun.
But then, at 1:45 Sunday morning, only a few hours before I was going to drive home, I woke up nauseated and miserable. I'll spare you the gory details. Long story short, I ended up sick and in bed with a fever (even on extra strength Tylenol) and wishing I could just curl up and die. It was food poisoning.
Soooooo miserable.
My sweet husband was stuck at home and could only call or text to check on me. He was very worried and wished he could be with me. I didn't! I didn't want him to see me like that!
And throughout the whole thing, my sweet mother took care of me and got me anything I needed and sat with me the whole time. I think the last time I was this sick was five years ago with strep. I'm pretty sure my mom never planned on nursing a 26 year old back to health, but she certainly hasn't lost her touch!
Well, I'm home now and being taken care of by my husband, but the lesson learned this weekend.....don't ever think you're too old to be nursed by your mom.....she still loves you and wants to take care of you!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Missions/Life Action Week

It's Missions Emphasis Week at HPCA and the church connected with the school has chosen to coincide it with a revival week with Life Action Ministries.
And I'm praying for a revival for my kids. I'm praying that they will be willing to stand up for Christ and will be overflowing with a passion for Christ!
Just last week, Jeff was sharing with me about his Christian students at his public school and their willingness to stand for Christ publicly. I know that not all of the students at my school would be willing to do the same thing. So, it is my prayer that my Christian school students will be revived and encouraged to stand up for the faith that they have claimed as their own just as these public school students have been challenged to do.

I haven't gone to any of the meetings at the church yet, but I am curious to see this group in action. One reason is that one of the leaders, a guy named Zach, came and shared with my fourth period Bible class today.
Zach is an interesting guy....I would definitely identify as a little, he came in and shared with the students his story and his passion for Christ. He is currently a Senior Liberty student (Wahoo!) and I was touched by his love for sharing Christ with these students.
I remember when I was a senior at Liberty (only four years ago....but it's starting to feel like ages) and was student teaching. I was so intimidated by standing up in front of high schoolers and it was what I was trained to do!
So, kudos to Zach and his willingness to stand up and tell the kids all about his love for them and for Christ. And stepping into my classroom and putting my kids at ease and letting them know that he cared about them and who they are and what they loved.
Lesson? We have to lead by example and be willing to stand up for Christ if we expect our students to stand up as well.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Thoughts

It's another beautiful Sunday.
I can hear the birds singing and the sun is shining. We slept in later today than normal and it was wonderful. Had a great worship service. And we had lunch with good friends and I got to enjoy a good book. The only downside was our Heels lost today.
Maybe I view Sunday through "rose colored" glasses, but it's been a while since I've had a "bad" Sunday and I think it's because we have learned to slow down and just enjoy our day of rest.
So, I hope you take the time to stop and enjoy your Sunday and worship the Lord for a while.

Friday, March 11, 2011


About this time of year, every year, especially at the end of a long week, I start dreaming of this place:

It's taking everything in me not to pack up and head out right fact, at the beginning of this week, I was already planning a weekend trip. But, we can't travel this weekend. Jeff has to work on his national boards. So, I will have to settle with dreaming. But, I do love those spontaneous trips!

Lesson: Be content with where I am and look forward to the trips to come.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


This has been a stressful week.

Not only was yesterday our State Districts for choir, but this week is also the end of third quarter.

What that means is that I have to have all of my grading done by 4 pm tomorrow. I had to catch all of my students up on their work who have been out over the quarter from sickness or slacked off during the quarter (did you know 3rd quarter is "slacker" quarter????). I had to teach actual lessons. Oh! And I had to miss an entire day and take the choir to districts. Needless to say, it has been a BUSY week! In fact, I have headed to school every morning around 6:30 am (this morning was 6:00 am)....yes AM!!!!! And staid at the school until 5 every day. And I'm still not done with my work! Can you believe it??!?!?!?!?!

Like I said, it's been a busy week. But, I'm not complaining. It's just part of my job and I do like to keep busy. And this only happens like this a couple times a year.

So, I have my own form of therapy: The gym and a good, hard cardio workout.

We joined the gym about a year and a half ago. And this year I have really needed it. Not only because I would like to lose weight, but it has been more therapeutic for me than anything else this year.

I've had different forms of "workout" therapy each year of teaching and I think they match the amount of work I have had to do.

Year One: Semi-stressful because it was my first year teaching, but who am I kidding? I didn't know what I was doing anyways! I walked that year (and lost about 30 pounds I might add!)

Year Two: Easy year...I had my lessons done for Bible and a small high school choir and a willing middle school choir.....I did yoga (and got to where I could balance my knees on my hands!)

(I couldn't go as high as this chick, but could do this!)

Year Three: Very easy year....went to the gym off and on, did a lot of walking with Lola, a little yoga

Year Four: My most stressful year yet with a new Bible curriculum and a growing choral program....hardcore cardio at the gym at least four times a week.

Lesson for the day: Exercise makes for good, cheap therapy with added benefits. Happy running!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And the Word was God!

I am glad today is over.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy performing and competition. But state districts are stressful. There is such a high level of musicianship expected and a high level of competition that I am glad that it is just one day.
We sang first thing this morning (a DEFINITE blessing). During warm-ups, I finally realized what I wanted from the students on our song, "The Word Was God," (by Rosephanye Powell) based on the passage from John 1. It was a wonderful moment where it just felt SO right explaining to the students that the final notes need to be a declaration, a shouting out to the world,
"JESUS IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(The actual words are: "and the Word was God!")
It was an incredible moment as I taught and realized what we were really doing....we were declaring on a very public stage that Jesus is real and He is God!
What an amazing opportunity that we had today to declare that our God is real and praise him on a stage share by public and private school students.
Today was a great day. We shouted out for the world that Jesus is our Lord and heard some incredibly gifted choirs (I'm talking goosebumps and jaw dropping groups).
Oh, how did we do? We got an 88.5....translation, we were 1 and a half points from the highest level possible (a superior)! In fact, one judge gave us a superior, which was a first time ever for the high school choir)! Last year, we received an 85 with no superiors. And we received another superior in sight reading.
So, yes, today was a successful day.
Lesson? Look for those moments that focus on eternity, even in the stressful moments of the here and now. And believe me, I needed to learn this one today!

Monday, March 7, 2011

I Miss My Lunch Break!

I never realized until this year how hard it was to teach choir for an hour and a 1/2 in the middle of the day.

You see, last year, and the year before, we met during third period, but we had our 35 minute lunch in the middle of class. I got VERY spoiled by this. Basically, my choir and I would meet for about 45 minutes, get lunch, and then meet for another 45 minutes. It was a very nice mental break.

But this year, we have lunch first, and then an hour and a half of singing. It is exhausting!!!!! However, I am proud of my group of singers and their hard work, especially after today.

You see, today was a special day. Today was the day before districts. State Disctricts. Basically, the most challenging competition we will compete in and probably the most intimidating. They are on Wednesday, first thing in the morning (prayers would be greatly appreciated).

Anyways, today was a special day. I came into school early, got everything ready and finally the time came for our hour and a half choir rehearsal and I was ready to go. And so were my students....for the most part. After about 15 minutes of announcements and rearranging and going over Wednesday's events, they finally started to focus.

And you know what????

WE HAD A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was an awesome rehearsal despite everything we had going against us and I believe they are prepared and ready to do their very best on Wednesday. Which is all I ask of them anyways.

So, lesson today: Don't sweat the stuff outside of your control, cover the kids with lots of prayer, come in extra prepared, and remind them that all that really matters is if they do their best. If we can learn that one, then Wednesday will be great no matter what.

And here's a picture of my great group! (Couldn't get them all in there....there are 42 of them!)

Hopefully I can get a good recording of Wednesday's performance and share that with you. We shall see!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Thoughts

I love Sundays.

I especially love Sundays our way. I get up with the sun peaking into our bedroom (when you have to be at work at 7:30 am, waking up with the sun shining is a luxury), and take the morning slowly, usually with a cup of coffee or hot tea. We get ready for church and then enjoy some worship time. And then, we go to lunch, usually Mexican or Pizza (although, because we are saving up for our fifth year anniversary trip, we have decided to eat at home this month...not an easy resolution on Sundays!). And then we participate in the national ritual of Sunday afternoon reading and naps. Like I said, I love Sundays. They are truly our family days.

So, instead of stories of my crazy classroom and our crazy life, here's a thought for you on this rainy Sunday afternoon that will hopefully spark some food for thought. It's from A.W. Tozer's "Pursuit of God."

(I plan to open my high school choir class with this tomorrow as we prepare for our district festival on Wednesday to remember why we do what we do.)

"We are often hindered from giving up our treasures to the Lord out of fear for their safety....Our gifts and talents should also be turned over to Him. They should be recognized for what they are, God's loan to us, and should never be considered in any sense our own. We have no more right to claim credit for special abilities than for blue eyes or strong muscles. 'For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive?'" (The Pursuit of God, pg. 26)

And just for laughs, here's a picture of Lola participating in our Sunday afternoon nap (at least I think it was on a Sunday). Either way, notice how she positioned herself on me and slept....this dog is a contortionist!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


So, I have tried my hand at blogging before, and I have decided to try again.

I'm not sure why I am trying this again, other than there are days where I have the most amazing stories and it would take to long to call everyone up and share, or there are days where I just need to get something off my chest. So, I guess I want this blog mainly for my friends and family who I can't always catch up with and who may want to keep track of my life. Not that my life is always entertaining or necessarily interesting, but it does seem to stay crazy and exciting (ok, at least for me). I hope to keep up with this and to be able to share with those near and far away the adventures I am having and experiencing as a teacher, a musician, a child of God's.

So, here we go. Where am I at this point in my life now? Well, I am 26, but I spend the majority of my time with 12 to 18 year olds, so sometimes I feel closer to 40 and other times I feel closer to 16. I am teaching at a wonderful Christian school with some AMAZING co-workers and some pretty INCREDIBLE teenagers. I'm not sure how I ended up here, other than I was graduating from college four years ago and needed a job. I alway envisioned myself teaching elementary school music and molding little Mozarts and Bachs and eventually opening up my own piano studio. Then this Christian school called and said they needed a teacher to start a high school choral program and eventually take on the middle school choral program. Oh, and they needed that teacher to also teach freshmen Bible. So, I talked with my hubby, Jeff, we decided this sounded like a good option (afterall, I went to a Christian school, so teaching Bible wouldn't be a big deal, right?) and off we went to interview and apartment hunt.

And that is how, four years later, I am now a full time teacher, teaching freshmen Bible and Middle and High school choir. Not quite what I envisioned, but since when does what I envision and what God plans always match up?

I do consider myself blessed. I had the AMAZING (and I do mean amazing) opportunity to START a choral program. That meant not stepping into anyone else's program, but creating my own. Picking my own music, planning my own trips, designing my own curriculum. And I have literally put blood, sweat, and tears into this program. Hopefully, I have managed to bring glory to my Father along the way. At least that's what I'm always telling my kids (I currently have 78 of them!), "all I ask is that you do your best to glorify God."

Each year has brought new challenges and new steps for me. My first year meant figuring out what I wanted in a choral program and learning a new Bible curriculum (I'll save that story for another day). My second year meant taking on the middle school choral program and working with a small high school choir (that year, I planned my first choir trip; again, more on that one later). My third year meant continuing both programs and taking my students to two competitions (Disney included!). This year has meant juggling two full choral programs, starting a new women's ensemble, and learning another Bible curriculum. I have loved every minute of it and wouldn't go back and change anything.

So, for those of you who decide to follow this blog and peak into my world of music and students, I hope you will be blessed and that my lessons that I have learned will maybe help you out as well. If anything, I hope you will see God in my life. Like I said, all I ask is that what I do glorifies my Maker.